The secular symbols of Easter—chicks, little bunnies, and eggs—may make us want to roll our eyes sometimes when they appear to be more prevalent than the Cross, but there is a deep Christian meaning behind them (even if many people have forgotten this and associate them only with Spring). Easter is the day of Our Lord’s Resurrection, His rising to new life after the darkness of His Passion and death. Thus the secular theme of Easter—cheeping, bubbling, joyful new life—is very much in line with the Christian celebration of Easter as a feast of eternal life.
Sadly, in our modern world, despite the chicks and eggs that abound at Easter, it has become increasingly common for new life to be seen as a burden rather than as a cause for joy. Sometimes the coming of new life is even seen as optional, something that can be uprooted and thrown away, even though it is already alive and growing. Because of the degree to which we are continually bombarded by media, whether through entertainment or through adverts or through news, we are all in danger of internalising society’s throwaway attitudes to life. Teens are in even greater danger since their consciences are still in the process of being formed.
Catholic fiction is a great way to combat this corrosive internalisation (for both teens and adults). A well-written novel will form someone in life issues without them even realising they are being formed. They’re just having too much fun with the plot and characters! Pro-life fiction for teen boys and young men is especially important, since a lot of novels focus more on the female perspective, on pregnancy and babies. Yet men often have considerable influence over a partner’s abortion decision, either whilst still a teen or later in their life.
Here are some great examples of novels that will appeal to boys as well as to girls:
Life Changing Love – A High School novel about a crisis pregnancy, told from both male and female points of view.
For Eden’s Sake – A college-age novel about a crisis pregnancy, told from both male and female points of view.
BREACH! – A dystopian adventure novel about a crisis pregnancy, told entirely from the male perspective.
In my book, The Orange Dragon Bowl, 15-year-old Julie Tyler's mother, who has weathered a double mastectomy, chemo, and radiotherapy, at the end of the story discovers she's pregnant(!) after being "biblically barren" since Julie was born. It's going to be a girl who will be named Joy. (Joy and Julia!) After facing death for much of the past year, Mrs. Tyler understands that this child is proof of God's abiding love. That out of a body ravaged by cancer and its treatment, new life can still form. And that we cannot know in the midst of life's trials and tribulations what joys might still await us.